Token 2049 Dubai (2024 Dubai), Coinstore Brand launch conference sponsorship

Please follow this template to create the topic:

  1. What is your Applicant Name? Juno Toh

  2. What is your Email? junxiang@coinstore

  3. Can you provide more information about yourself? Business Development Team Lead from Singapore, met the BD team of Band protocol in Thailand office during February 2024 to discuss.

  4. What is the name of the project? Token 2049 Coinstore Brand launch conference 2024 (DUBAI)

  5. What category does the project fall under? (Development, Research, Community, Infrastructure)

**Brand launch conference in conjunction with Token 2049 Dubai, bringing top industry’s crypto projects and VCs together. There will be an opportunity for a panel discussion **

  1. Can you provide a project description?

I am writing on behalf of Coinstore team, a pioneering crypto platform in South East Asia, to request grant support for our upcoming brand launch conference in conjunction with Token 2049 Dubai. The event, highlighted in Yahoo Finance, aims to unite industry leaders, VCs, and innovators to drive crypto adoption.

Our conference aligns with your goals of promoting development and collaboration in the crypto space. We seek to cover venue, marketing, and speaker expenses. Your support will ensure the success of this pivotal event and contribute to the advancement of the crypto ecosystem.

$10,000 USDT
Digital Event on Evontbrite
Event Materials
Key Visuals
Exclusive CS Websito Mention
Pro & Post Social Media Montion
TV Display Logo
Opening Video Teaser
Sponsorship Lounges
VIP Room Access x1

$30,000 USDT
Digital Event on Eventbrite
Event Matorlals
Key Visuals
Evant T-Shirts
Collaterals / GIft
EDM & Social Media
Exclusive CS Website Mention
Pre & Post Soclal Media Mention
Post Vidoo Publish
TV Display Logo
Opening Speech Mentions
Koynoto Spooch / Panel Discussion
Oponing Vidao Teaser
Sponsorship Loungas
Customised Merchandiso
Exclusive Twitter Space / AMA Live
Exclusivo Live Intervlew (online)
VIP Room Access Ă—3

$50,000 USDT
Digital Event on Eventbrite
Event Materials
Key Visuals
Event T-Shirts
Collaterals / Gift
EDM & Social Media
Exclusive CS Website Mention
Pre & Post Social Media Mention
Post Video Publish
Customised PR & PR Mentions
TV Display Logo
Opening Speech Mentions
Keynote Speech
Panel Discussion
Opening Video Teaser
Sponsorship Lounges
Pull-Up Banner
Customised Merchandise
Exclusive Twitter Space / AMA Live
Exclusive Live Interview (onsite)
VIP Room Access x5

  1. What are the project goals?
    The project goals are to bring industry players together, fostering connections and bridging collaboration within the crypto space. By uniting key stakeholders, our aim is to facilitate meaningful interactions, drive innovation, and forge strategic partnerships that will propel the industry forward.

  2. How does this project bring value to the Band Ecosystem?
    This project brings value to the Band Ecosystem by providing a prime opportunity to showcase Band Protocol’s upcoming new product version 3 during the conference, which is aligned with the Band ecosystem. Participating in this event offers excellent exposure to key industry players, enhances offline credibility, and demonstrates Band Protocol’s presence in an offline setting. With popular projects like Algorand, Conflux, Telos, and Animoca Brands co-hosting and sponsoring the event, it presents a unique chance for Band Protocol to align itself with industry leaders and prepare for the anticipated bull market aligned with Bitcoin halving this year.

  3. Can you provide a project implementation plan with milestones?

  4. Event Planning and Preparation:

  • Define event objectives, themes, and target audience by March 4th.
  • Secure venue, vendors, and necessary resources by March 4th.
  • Develop event agenda, including keynote speakers, panel discussions, and workshops by March 4th.
  1. Speaker and Sponsorship Acquisition:
  • Identify and secure keynote speakers, panelists, and workshop facilitators by March 4th.
  • Reach out to potential sponsors and partners to secure funding and support by March 4th.
  1. Logistics and Operations:
  • Finalize event logistics, including AV equipment, catering, and signage by March 15th.
  • Coordinate with vendors and sponsors to ensure smooth execution by March 15th.
  • Develop contingency plans for any potential issues or emergencies by March 15th.
  1. Marketing and Promotion:
  • Launch event website and social media channels by March 4th.
  • Develop promotional materials (flyers, posters, digital ads) by March 4th.
  • Implement marketing campaigns to generate awareness and drive registrations by March 20th.
  1. Attendee Engagement and Experience:
  • Design interactive sessions and networking opportunities by March 4th.
  • Implement attendee registration and check-in process by March 15th.
  • Provide on-site support and assistance to enhance attendee experience by April 16th.
  1. Event Execution:
  • Host the event on April 16th as a side event leading up to Token 2049 Dubai.
  1. Post-Event Follow-Up:
  • Collect feedback from attendees, sponsors, and partners by April 20th.
  • Evaluate event success based on attendance, engagement, and feedback by April 23rd.
  • Follow up with potential leads and partnerships identified during the event by April 23rd.

This timeline ensures that logistics and operations are completed by March 15th, marketing and promotion efforts are completed by March 20th, and attendee engagement is established by March 15th, allowing ample time for preparations leading up to the event execution on April 16th.

  1. What budget are you requesting? (In dollars or BAND)
    10,000 USDT (Silver sponsorship), 30,000 USDT (Gold sponsorship), 50,000 USDT (Diamond sponsorship). Payment for sponsorship can be discuss.

Thank you for your application. Following our discussions, we have determined that your proposal does not align with our focus on the Band Ecosystem itself.

Dear Khun Supreeda,

Good day to you and thank you for getting back to me.

I want to understand how it does not align with the Band Ecosystem focus. Would appreciate you could help me understand so that I can craft a better proposal to better suit the showcase of Band Ecosystem. We can also speak over a short call to discuss.

In the past, during Token 2049 Singapore 2023, we did have sponsors from Algorand, ICP, Infinity Ventures, ALICE, and other key strategic partners joining us for our conference and event. I understand from your colleague that you are launching version 3, therefore it would be beneficial to exercise more publicity and growth on the Band protocol ecosystem. If Token 2049 Dubai is because your team is not attending, then I would like to propose Token 2049 Singapore

HI Juno,

Thank you for the valuable feedback,

Since Band Protocol is a tech-focused organization, our goal is to support and organize tech-related events that assist developers in building on the Band Ecosystem. At this time, we believe a large event may not be ideal. Instead, smaller meetups, hackathon sponsorships, or workshops would be more appropriate for the current stage of the Band Ecosystem. Thank you for your understanding.

Hey @pzshine , just have a one question!

Does band protocol have any community treasury? For the growth of regional communities, marketing, mini games development, staking, meme coins, etc?

Thanks! :pray:

Will the Token 2049 Dubai event feature any specific panels or speakers focusing on the future of decentralized finance or blockchain interoperability?

Hello @pzshine, is there any chance that band protocol can consider our upcoming brand conference and become our co-host for the event in Singapore alongside with Token 2049 week?