Providing additional service for Band Protocol from StakeCraft Validator

1. What is your Applicant Name?

2. What is your Email?

3. Can you provide more information about yourself?
StakeCraft Validator is a reputable and reliable validator in the blockchain ecosystem. With a strong focus on security and performance, we offer robust validation services for various blockchain networks.

4. What is the name of the project?
Snapshot service, RPC server, Ansible playbook for node installation

5. What category does the project fall under? (Development, Research, Community, Infrastructure)

6. Can you provide a project description?
The Snapshot service is intended for validator nodes, namely, it helps to bring the node back online in a very short time.
The RPC server serves as an interface enabling external applications to communicate and interact with the blockchain network.
An Ansible playbook for node installation is a configuration script that automates the setup and deployment process of a node, ensuring consistency and efficiency in the installation procedure.

7. What are the project goals?
Our services will help ensure the reliable, flexible, and efficient operation of the blockchain project, enhance manageability, facilitate deployment, and promote interaction with the blockchain network.

8. How does this project bring value to the Band Ecosystem?
The Snapshot service is intended for validator nodes, namely, it helps to bring the node back online in a very short time.
Having multiple RPC servers is crucial for projects in the Cosmos network to ensure reliability, fault tolerance, and load distribution. Having multiple RPC servers also enables fast and stable access to the blockchain network from different geographical regions, enhancing the overall user experience.
Ansible playbook automates the installation and configuration process of blockchain network nodes, ensuring consistency and efficiency in the installation procedure, reducing the time and effort required for node deployment.
All these additional services collectively ensure a more reliable, flexible, and efficient operation of the blockchain project, simplifying management, deployment, and interaction with the blockchain network.

9. Can you provide a project implementation plan with milestones?
Snapshot service will be ready in a week since we publish this topic.
RPC and Ansible playbook - till the end of July 2023.

10. What budget are you requesting? (In dollars or BAND)
We kindly request delegation of 500,000 BAND to our validator.