Assistance with LA Band Trip expenses for the students

Please follow this template to create the topic:

  1. What is your Applicant Name? Unified School District #262

  2. What is your Email? Steve Geddes

  3. Can you provide more information about yourself? I am the father of Emmett Geddes who is 14 and will be entering the 9th grade this school year. I am 67 years old and retired due to a debilitating back condition.

  4. What is the name of the project? VC Band - LA band trip

  5. What category does the project fall under? (Development, Research, Community, Infrastructure) Probably development and/or community.

  6. Can you provide a project description?Next school year (24/25) the Valley Center (KS) High School marching band will be taking a trip to Los Angles, California to march at Disneyland, have some music educational/learning sessions. The trip to Los Angeles offers the students the chance to expand his musical horizons in a unique and enriching way. Throughout the trip, they will have the opportunity to participate in workshops led by renowned musicians, visit iconic musical landmarks, and perform in prestigious venues. This experience will not only enhance their musical skills but also broaden their cultural understanding and inspire them to continue pursuing their passion for music.

  7. What are the project goals? We believe that investing in our student’s musical education is an investment in their future and the future of our community. Your generosity would not only benefit them individually but also contribute to the growth and vitality of our school’s music program.

  8. How does this project bring value to the Band Ecosystem? It will allow the band student a chance to experience a new part of the country and expand their understanding of music from a different prespective.

  9. Can you provide a project implementation plan with milestones? Each student that signed up for the trip has an account which payments for the trip are being made on a periodic basis. The students are also doing fund raising events to help with the cost and lastly, the students have already began practicing during the summer in anticipation for this trip.

  10. What budget are you requesting? (In dollars or BAND) Any amount which would benefit the entire student population going on the band trip.